A Note About Grain

I'm captivated with the simplicity of bread. Some of the most humble ingredients used in the kitchen can be transformed into outstanding food with technique and finesse.

My focus is to put as much attention to sourcing quality grain as I would sourcing the best tomatoes or other produce. It defines the taste and character of my bread.

The large scale global food system, first and foremost, works to produce wheat that conforms to industrial agriculture practises. Breeding for disease resistance and stability is important for farming to be economical. In my opinion, discovering the balance in those qualities along with a focus on flavour and nutrient density is critical for the best food. The fragrence of the flour I mill personally for my bread is truly remarkable, but the hard work has been done by the farmers who have handled it before me.

Sourcing product locally not only supports local farmers and communities but also reduces the carbon foodprint of your consumption. In Ontario we have fantastic produce. I feel so lucky to have been raised here. Talented grain & produce farmers, dairy producers and livestock farmers create an easy opportunity for us to support local (and delicious)  food systems. 

My interest in history drew me in to learning about Red Fife, a Heritage wheat strain sent to Ontario that become popular in Canada throughout the 1800s. Phased out by modern wheat varieties that excel in yield and disease resistance. This strain of wheat is so delicious. Being a heritage Canadian grain (though developed elsewhere), I feel connected to it. I mill it fresh and add it into my bread. The flour is warm after milling and really kickstarts fermentation by increasing the temperature of my dough. 

In effort to keep these posts (somewhat) concise, I will elaborate next week on the next step of wheats journey, and how it differs from its journey in my bakery. 

I encourage your remarks and comments 


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