
Terroir Bakery welcomes the opportunity to partner with other business to supply high quality Bread & Pastry in bulk format.


We supply the following items to cafes, restaurants & bakeries.


VIENOISSERIE (60ct x 90g)

IQF Croissants, raw

IQF Rectangle Sheets (7cmx18cm), raw

Baked croissants, fresh

IQF Croissants, Raw (Retail packaging, 6pc)



Country Sourdough, 900g

For wholesale inquiries, menus & more information please contact terroirbakery@gmail.com with subject “Wholesale Inquiry”


Find Terroir Artisan Bakery products at the following locations!

-100km Foods (gta wholesale distribution)

- Lucero Canteen, Kitchener Ontario

- Flight Coffee , Cambridge Ontario

- LaLa Social House, Waterloo Ontario